Tyler John MaComb

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Generatie: 1

  1. 1.  Tyler John MaComb

Generatie: 2

  1. 2.  John Allen MaComb 23 jan 1966 Lemars, Iowa, USA; 09 feb 2011Piere, SD, USA; 14 feb 2011Lemars, Iowa, USA.



    Hartaanval, had een vergroot hart en hoge bloeddruk.

    John Nichole Marie Pater [Gezinsblad] []

  2. 3.  Nichole Marie Pater
    1. Alexis Marie MaComb
    2. 1. Tyler John MaComb
    3. Tristan MaComb

Generatie: 3

  1. 6.  John Charles Pater 13 apr 1944 Worthington, MN. USA (zoon van Kors Pater en Pieter Dena Boekhout); 22 sep 2019Omaha, NE; 28 sep 2021Worthington.


    • Beroep: Federal Meat inspector
    • Verblijfplaats: 09 apr 2017; Adres:
      730 Thompson Ave. Apt. 3
      Worthington, MN 56187


    Hier volgt de verkorte geschiedenis van onze Amerikaanse familie. Het is geschreven voor degenen onder u die hun geschiedenis zijn vergeten. Er mist nogal wat informatie. Vooral behorend bij de gegevens van de overleden voorouders welke reeds voorkomen in de stamboom. Wellicht wordt er een boek gedrukt door Bram Pater, lid van de Familie Organisatie Pater in Nederland. Voor informatie over hoe lid van de FOP te worden, voel je vrij om het te vragen. Informatie over een boek zal later komen. Momenteel werkt men aan de mogelijkheid om een cd met de genealogie te maken in plaats van een boek, speciaal voor diegenen die zich geen duur ingebonden boek kunnen veroorloven. Ik heb het voorbeeld gezien van hoe onze familiegegevens in een boek staan maar er is heel weinig van onze geschiedenis. Hierin waren echter nog niet de eerder gezonden foto's vermeld.
    Tot slot zal je je waarschijnlijk afvragen of ik tantes en ooms onder de favorieten had. Eerlijk zou ik dat niet kunnen beantwoorden, maar door de tijd komt je favoriet in de loop der jaren toen ik meer te weten kwam over de geschiedenis van hun leven. Het was niet gebaseerd op vriendjespolitiek. Ze hadden allemaal dezelfde, vrije eigen persoonlijkheden: een grap of twee en een hartelijke lach werd altijd gehoord. Het veranderde tijdens de verschillende fasen van mijn leven. Ze waren allemaal handig met hun handen in wat ze nodig hadden. Ik denk dat 7 van de 12 zelf kampeeraanhangwagens hebben gebouwd. Ik weet vijf van hen dat ze eigen gebouwde huizen bezaten. Vier van hen zal ik blijven herinneren door hun muzikale capaciteiten. Ik weet dat 7 of 8 van hen jagers waren. We gingen samen kamperen als een groep en de eerste opdracht van de dag was het gereed maken van de boot voor de neven zodat ze die konden gebruiken bij het waterskiën en andere watersporten en er was altijd een stoel open voor als we mee wilden gaan om te vissen. Fijne dagen waren dat. De neven en nichten zijn nu verspreid over de Verenigde Staten en zien we elkaar niet meer, maar ik ben er zeker van dat ze allemaal dezelfde herinneringen hebben.

    John Charles Pater

    Een aantal vragen met drie antwoorden (16-12-2010):
    Drie namen waarmee ze door het leven gaat:
    ∙ John
    ∙ Johnnie
    ∙ Grandpa and Dad
    Drie van haar banen die je niet wilt weten:
    ∙ Manager bij benzinestation
    ∙ Dakbewerker
    ∙ Vleessnijdern
    Drie plaatsen waar ze woonde:
    ∙ Worthington, MN
    ∙ Kitzingen, Duitsland
    ∙ El Paso, Texas
    Welke drie shows heb je gezien:
    ∙ Fox news (political junky)
    ∙ History channel
    ∙ Orange County Choppers
    De drie verste plaatsen:
    ∙ Veel in Europa
    ∙ Engeland
    ∙ Texas
    Drie mensen waarvan je regelmatig e-mail contact heb:
    ∙ Cozette
    ∙ Linda
    ∙ Bram
    Drie van mijn favriete maaltijden:
    ∙ Zeevoedsel plaat
    ∙ Patat
    ∙ Chinees eten
    Drie vrienden die ook wel zullen reageren:
    ∙ Kathy
    ∙ Bram
    ∙ Elsie
    Drie dingen waar ik naar uitkijk (2010)
    ∙ Goede gezondheid voor mijn vrouw (2010)
    ∙ Omgang met familie en vrienden
    ∙ Triking trip in juni.... (2011)

    Maar dan kwam het volgende bericht:
    August 29, 2019 9:00 AM

    Journal entry by Joni Belair - Aug 29, 2019 9:00 am
    Well this new motorcycle Dad bought has been a treat! Yesterday afternoon Dad went for a leisurely ride on his new cycle outside of Worthington. He was involved in a battle for lanes with a semi truck. It appears the semi had the upper hand.

    In in all seriousness Dad has sustained multiple injuries and has a long road ahead of him. However thanks to his helmet he will pull through. He is at Sanford Medical Center in Sioux Falls.

    Here is his list of injuries that they are aware of so far (there may be more as they are able to fully assess and get all X-rays back)

    Collapsed lung
    Many broken ribs

    Both shoulders are broken and will need to be replaced.

    Both wrists are broken and will require surgery - he is in surgery now for one of them as it was broken through the skin.

    Lacerated liver caused some internal bleeding and required emergency surgery yesterday. He will have to go back to surgery in a couple days to close this area.

    He will also need hip surgery but that is relatively minor compared to everything else.

    He is conscience and is responding to commands and has movement in fingers and toes. No head injuries - thanks to the helmet.

    Though he is on a ventilator he is doing most, if not all of his breathing on his own and they hopefully will take him off that relatively soon.

    This will be our primary update spot as we get news and as he progresses. Please share as it is difficult to update everyone individually.

    Lyle, Nikki and Joni

    August 29, 2019 11:25 am
    Journal entry by Nichole Brooks - Aug 29, 2019 11:25 am
    Dad is now out of surgery. The surgeon repaired his right wrist to the best of his ability. Dads right wrist was damaged more than they originally thought, so he may have some decreased mobility on that side. However, the good news is that he is left handed.

    Next week, he will have surgery on his left wrist and right hip. Several weeks later, they will tackle his shoulders. He will need extensive rehabilitation, but they feel the life threatening injuries have been addressed.

    He will go back to surgery tomorrow to clean and flush his stomach area from the surgery he had to repair his liver. They should close him up in a few days.

    Once closed up, he will be moved to a regular room out of intensive care. As such, if anyone would like to visit him, it would be more comfortable for everyone to wait until he is moved. The ventilator will likely be removed at the same time and he will be able to communicate. We will provide you the room number when he is moved.

    Thank you all for the offers of places to stay, prayers, bringing items to us, and your concern.

    We will update later tonight with how his day went.

    August 29, 2019 4:00pm

    Journal entry by Nichole Brooks - Aug 29, 2019 04:00 pm
    Quite possibly the most humorous thing we heard in the past two days...

    "Did your dad by chance get shot in the foot with a BB gun?"

    They weren't sure if he had debris from the accident or not.

    This is a 50+ year old BB :)
    (foto) This is what a 50+ year old BB looks like....
    August 29, 2019 9:30pm
    Journal entry by Nichole Brooks - Aug 29, 2019 9:30 pm
    We have been repeatedly told that Dad had "multiple" rib fractures. What is "multiple"? Three? Four? How about 14!?!?!?

    He has fractures on ribs 1-10 on his right side and ribs 2-6 on his left. From the previous updates it's clear that his right side took the brunt of the impact.

    They have to reposition him every 2 hours to prevent blood clots and bed sores. Needless to say that isnt fun for him! We have to leave the room as we would likely pass out (not exaggerating).

    Tomorrow will bring cleaning stomach area, possible plating of the ribs to help them stay stationary, and hopefully closing his stomach incision.

    Drugs continue to keep him comfortable....to an extent. Right now they continue to monitor for blood pressure changes and any other changes that could cause concern.

    Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers...we appreciate you all, as does dad.

    In case we failed to mention, he is in Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls. He isnt up for visitors until he is off the ventilator and out of ICU.

    We will definitely let everyone know when that day comes!

    August 30, 2019
    Journal entry by Joni Belair - Aug 30, 2019
    Somewhat of a fairly quiet day. They attempted to close the abdominal incision that had been intentionally left open (packed with gauze) since Wednesday. There was a little too much swelling to close, so they are now looking at Monday to try this again. At the same time they may be plating his ribs to allow for normal lung expansion.

    He is heavily sedated so not in too much pain until of course they mess with him - which unfortunately they do every couple of hours.

    Sounds like no more procedures until Monday at this point but will still be intubated and sedated.

    We will keep you all posted. Keep the positive vibes coming!

    August 31, 2019. 9pm
    Journal entry by Nichole Brooks - Aug 31, 2019 9pm
    Today was uneventful - which isnt necessarily a bad thing.

    They have given him diuretic medication to try to reduce his swelling, which will allow them to close his stomach on Monday (hopefully).

    Dad is still heavily sedated and has a temporary breathing tube - so he isnt able to communicate at this time. We are hopeful that they will be able to remove these soon, so he can visit and communicate his needs.

    We do not anticipate any change tomorrow, and surgery is optimistically planned for Monday. If we dont update tomorrow, it simply means there has been no change.

    Will update on Monday to let you all know if the rib plate is placed and whether they were able to close the incision in his stomach area.

    Thanks again for all your concerns, prayers, and well wishes!

    September 1, 2019
    Journal entry by Joni Belair - Sep 1, 2019
    Dad rested pretty comfortably today. They did do an MRI to see if they could safely remove the neck brace. Unfortunately the MRI showed that he did have ligament damage at the neck, and therefore will have to be in a neck brace for many weeks if not months.

    He is scheduled for surgery tomorrow to close the stomach incision and to plate his ribs. This is a lengthy procedure but it is a major step forward for his recovery. We are hoping that they will be able to sit him up soon, so that when he is awake he has a better view than just the ceiling.

    We will update again tomorrow once surgery is complete and we have more news.

    September 3, 2019
    Journal entry by Joni Belair - 9 hours ago
    It was quite a day for dad yesterday. He went into surgery and while they could not actually close his incision in his stomach yet due to just a little too much swelling, they were able to complete the plating of the ribs which is a big step in his recovery.

    They will go back in a couple days to close his stomach hopefully at the same time that they do his hip and his other hand. If they complete those three, that should hopefully be the last surgery for a while until they do his shoulders.

    Dad was awake a bit after the surgery but still very confused due to the pain medication. He's pretty anxious but we are trying to keep him relaxed.

    We will continue to keep you posted!

    September 5, 2019
    Journal entry by Joni Belair - 7 hours ago
    Well Dad had a win yesterday! They were able to close his stomach up, which is a major step in his recovery. Today he has surgery for his left wrist and to potentially correct the hip break, they are still determining whether they will need to do the hip or if it is starting to heal on its own since he hasn't been moving around. It's non weight bearing so I guess that's a good thing! So stay tuned for that!

    He's still in Critical Care for an unknown period of time. He's been pretty groggy and not as awake and responsive as they would like him to be, so today they are going to monitor him and potentially remove a little fluid off of his brain. He was wearing his helmet, but he did still hit his head so it is possible he has a concussion, and then adding all the meds and then being in a bed for 8 days certainly doesn't help his cognitive ability, but they just want to be sure they cover all the bases.
    Although I know a lot of folks would like to come visit him, right now he's still on ventilator as well as resting most of the time. As soon as he's ready - we will let everyone know!

    n0awry@hotmail.com. Woonde in 1991 in 810 Burlington in Worthington. Woonde tot 9-4-2017 1077 Maplewood Drive, in Worthington.

    Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital

    John Karla Gail Bruner 18 mei 1964 (Civil)Worthington MN USA. Karla (dochter van Henry Valentine Bruner en Grace Arnetta Deuth) 08 mei 1945 Rochester MN USA; 28 feb 2016Worthington, MN, USA; 05 mrt 2016Worthington, MN, USA. [Gezinsblad] []

  2. 7.  Karla Gail Bruner 08 mei 1945 Rochester MN USA (dochter van Henry Valentine Bruner en Grace Arnetta Deuth); 28 feb 2016Worthington, MN, USA; 05 mrt 2016Worthington, MN, USA.


    • Verblijfplaats: 1991; Adres:
      810 Burlington
      Worthington, MN 56187


    KARLA GAIL PATER-BRUNER, age 70, died Sunday, February 28, 2016 at Crossroads Care Center in Worthington. She was born May 8, 1945 in Rochester, MN; to parents Henry and Grace (Deuth) Bruner. She attended school in Worthington graduating in 1963. Karla then received her Associate Degree at Worthington Junior College.
    Karla was united in marriage to John Pater on May 18, 1964 in Worthington. They made their home in Worthington and in 1966 John enlisted in the United States Army. She joined her husband after basic training, then joined him in Germany and in Texas.
    After his discharge in 1969, the couple returned to Worthington and she worked at the Worthington Public Library and then twenty years with Worthington Hearing Aid Service. They moved to Lake Shetek for fifteen years and then returned to Worthington.
    Karla was a member of the Worthington Christian Church. She was an avid reader of books. She enjoyed camping and fishing with her family.
    She is survived by her husband, John Pater, Worthington; children, Lyle (Paula) Pater, Eau Claire, WI; Nichole (Dino) Brooks, Pierre, SD and Joni (Chris) Belair, Omaha, NE; grandchildren, Zachariah, Jordyn, Alexis, Tyler, Brooklyn, Brendan and Landon.
    Karla was preceded in death by her parents; Henry and Grace Bruner, two infant siblings and a beloved son-in-law, John MaComb.
    Visitation will be Saturday from 9:00 to 11:00 am at the Worthington Christian Church. The funeral service will be at 11:00 am at the church with Pastor Doug White officiating. Burial will be at The Garden of Memories Cemetery in Worthington.


    John Pater
    I worked 20 years as a meat cutter for Armour and Company in Worthington, Mn. When the plant closed I studied refrigeration and opened my own business. The opportunity came to return to the meat packing industry as a Federal Meat Inspector. I then put in 26 years in the same building that closed down before only this time it was called Swift and Company as a meat inspector. My wife Karla and I bought, fixed up and sold many homes during our marriage.

    Karla Pater
    Besides raising three children Karla put in many years as a bookmobile librarian. Then she began to work for a hearing aid sales and service company. She put in over twenty years as a office manager for the firm. She also was a big help in decorating the houses we rebuilt for resale.

    John Pater
    Ik werkte 20 jaar als vleessnijder voor Pantser en Bedrijf in Worthington, Mn. Toen de fabriek gesloten studeerde ik koel en opende mijn
    eigen bedrijf. De kans kwam om terug te keren naar de vlees-packing industrie als een Federal Meat inspecteur. Ik zet dan in 26 jaar in dezelfde
    gebouw dat neer voor alleen dit keer sloot het heette Swift and Company als een vlees-inspecteur. Mijn vrouw Karla en ik kocht, opgeknapt
    en verkocht veel huizen tijdens ons huwelijk.

    Karla Pater
    Naast het opvoeden van drie kinderen zette Karla zich vele jaren in in een mobilebibliotheek als bibliothecaris. Daarna werkte ze in een winkel met verkoop en hulpservice van gehoorapparaten. Ze werkte meer dan twintig jaar als office manager voor die firma. Zij was ook een grote hulp bij het aankleden van de huizen die verbouwd werden voor wederverkoop.

    From doughter Joni: On June the 20th 2017, she wrote in Facebook: Today would have been Mom and Dads 53rd wedding anniversary (they have two anniversaries - long story - but this is the one us kids always celebrated with them). I know my dad misses her every day, and so do we.

    The short story:
    They actually got married the month before - may 18th - so that mom could go to Germany with dad. But they wanted a church wedding so they kept the original date of June 20th. We never actually knew that they were married the month earlier until we found a marriage license with the May date on it when we were younger. We were very confused!

    1. Lyle Henry Pater
    2. 3. Nichole Marie Pater
    3. Joni Charlene Pater

Generatie: 4

  1. 12.  Kors Pater 30 jan 1909 Ede (zoon van Gerrit Pater en Gerritje Vlastuin); 02 mrt 1997Little Rock IA USA.


    • Beroep: vrachtwagen chauffeur


    Charles was the first son and 3rd child of Gerrit and Gerritje and was 3 months old when he came to America. Because he was my father it makes this post a little easier to write. Dad was an inventive type of person and drove truck most of his life after a short time as a mechanic for a carnival.
    He invented a saw that would saw off tree stumps below the ground and removed many stumps in the Worthington area. He made his own riding lawn mower which was the talk of the neighborhood. He even made a short foray into making a perpetual engine. I still believe to this day he could have accomplished it if he had the tools required to overcome the friction. The design of that engine weighs heavily on my mind to this day.
    Many of his days were spent making motorized vehicles that I could sneak out and ride on the streets around our neighborhood. He was a gentile man but large in life that didn't back down from trouble. I only remember him getting mad at me one time which was a miracle by itself. You have to realize that I have been shot by a pistol and a hunting bow and arrow and have been in numerous car and motorcycle accidents. Thankfully he was very calm about the whole thing. My mother although she did not have the calm attributes of my father passed away at the age of 98. She was a housewife most of her life but also worked in the chicken processing plant for a long time.
    In my father's retirement years he had a small gasoline engine repair shop and was known very well in the area for his work with antique engines. Dad was never much of a hunter. He had no problem with the killing of animals for food but early in my life he gave me a pellet gun. I was so proud of a blackbird that I had shot and proceeded to show it to my father. As we both stared down at the dead bird he said something to me that stayed with me forever. "If you can't eat it why did you kill it?"
    I had a pigeon that I had trained to come to me and sit on my shoulder whenever I called to it. Dad was going to town with his car and the pigeon flew along beside the vehicle and when dad stopped to try to shoo it home it landed on the car roof. Dad managed to chase it off but then it sat down in the middle of the road. A car came along and ran over the bird. Dad was broken hearted for a long time over the loss of the bird. I am sure it was one of the hardest things he ever had to tell me.
    My friends called him the gentle giant.
    He spent his final years in a nursing home with both legs removed. It was the final indignity for a man who never asked for help in his life. I was more than proud to call him my father. I can only hope in my life I can do enough for my children so that they have the same respect for me.

    Kors was de eerste zoon en 3de kind van Gerrit en Gerritje en was 3 maanden oud toen hij in Amerika kwam. Omdat hij mijn (John C. Pater) vader was maakt het dat deze gegevens een beetje makkelijker zijn te schrijven. Pa was een inventief type persoon en reed het grootste deel van zijn leven vrachtwagen, na een korte tijd als monteur bij een kermis.
    Hij bedacht een zaag die boomstronken onder de grond zou afzagen en verwijderde vele stronken in het gebied om Worthington. Hij maakte zijn eigen rijdende grasmaaier welke het gesprek van de buurt was. Hij kreeg zelfs een kortstondige inval om een eeuwigdurende motor te bedenken. Ik geloof nog steeds tot op de dag van vandaag dat hij het zou hebben bereikt als hij de instrumenten had die nodig zijn om de wrijving te overwinnen. Het ontwerp van die motor weegt vandaag de dag nog zwaar op mijn verbeelding.
    Veel van zijn dagen bracht hij door het maken van gemotoriseerde voertuigen die ik stiekem bereed in de straten in onze buurt. Hij was een heidense man, maar groot in het leven dat niet wegliep voor problemen. Ik herinner me alleen een keer dat hij boos op mij was, dat al een wonder op zichzelf was. Je moet je realiseren dat ik al eens was neergeschoten door een pistool en een jachtpijl en boog en bij tal van auto's en motorfietsen ongelukken betrokken ben geweest. Gelukkig bleef hij heel kalm over de hele zaak. Mijn moeder, hoewel ze niet die kalmte van mijn vader had, is op 21 maart 2011 overleden in de leeftijd van 98 jaar. Zij was voor het grootste deel van haar leven een huisvrouw, maar werkte ook lange tijd in een kippenverwerkingsbedrijf.
    In de pensioen jaren van mijn vader, had hij een kleine reparatiewerkplaats voor benzinemotoren en door zijn werk aan antieke motoren was hij zeer goed bekend in de regio.
    Papa was geen echte jager. Hij had geen probleem met het doden van dieren voor voedsel, maar vroeg in mijn leven gaf hij me een hagelgeweer. Ik was zo trots op een merel die ik had geschoten en liet het aan mijn vader zien. Terwijl we beiden naar de dode vogel staarden zei hij iets tegen mij, dat mij altijd is bijgebleven. "Als je het niet kunt eten waarom heb je het dan gedood?"
    Ik had een duif die ik had getraind om bij mij te komen en op mijn schouder te zitten als ik hem riep. Toen vader naar de stad ging met zijn auto vloog de duif naast het voertuig en toen pa stopte om te proberen het naar huis te verjagen, landde het op het dak van de auto. Vader slaagde erin om het te verjagen, maar dan ging het midden op de weg zitten. Een auto kwam langs en reed over de vogel. Vader was lange tijd diep bedroefd over het verlies van de vogel. Ik ben er zeker van dat het een van de moeilijkste dingen waren die hij ooit heeft gehad om het mij te vertellen.
    Mijn vrienden noemden hem de vriendelijke reus.
    Hij bracht zijn laatste jaren in een verpleeghuis met beide benen verwijderd. Het was de laatste vernedering voor een man die nooit in zijn leven om hulp heeft gevraagd. Ik was meer dan trots om hem mijn vader te noemen. Ik kan alleen maar hopen dat ik in mijn leven genoeg voor mijn kinderen kan doen, zodat ze hetzelfde respect voor mij zullen hebben.

    Charles Pater 1909-1997

    Charles Pater was born January 30, 1909 at Ede, Holland. He was the son of Gerrit and Gertrude (Vlastuin) Pater. He came to the United States with his family at the age of one year.
    He married Dena Boekhout on December 31,1930 at Rock Rapids, Iowa. They farmed in the Little Rock, Iowa and Waltham, Minnesota area. In 1940 they settled in Worthington, Minnesota where he worked at Bootes and then for Hess Motor Express. Later he trucked for Murphy Freight Lines, retiring in 1966. He was a member of the Teamster Union for 50 years.
    Charles and Dena moved to Little Rock in 1971. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church In Little Rock. His hobbies were fishing, camping, and repairing lawn mowers.
    He died Saturday, March 1, 1997 at the George Good Samaritan Center at the age of 88 years, one month, and two days.
    He leaves to cherish his memories, his wife, Dena of Little Rock, Iowa and three children: John and wife Karla Pater of Slayton, Minnesota; Darlene and husband Ray Christensen of Elysian, Minnesota; and Charlotte and husband John Hanson of Pine Island, Minnesota. Also left to cherish his memories are seven grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; five broth¼ers, Herman and wife Loretta Pater of Waltham, Minnesota; Henry and wife Margaret Pater of Rochester, Minnesota; Albert and wife Violet Pater of Waltham, Minnesota; Marvin and wife Katy Pater of Lansing, Minnesota; and Lawrence and wife Doris Pater of Deerwood, Minnesota; and two sisters: Ann Kunze of Austin, Minnesota; and Frances Thiesse of Madison, South Dakota.
    He was preceded in death by his parents; one brother, Gerhardt; and three sisters, Gertie, Hattie, and Jennie.

    Tuesday, March 4, 1997 at 2:00 p.m. First Presbyterian Church Little Rock, Iowa Family worship will precede.
    Officiating: Pastor Scott Prouty
    Organist: Kay Siebsen
    Singers: Men's Quartet
    Songs: "How Great Thou Art" "One Day At A Time"
    Congregational Hymns: "Softly And Tenderly" "God Be With You"
    Casket Bearers: Nichole McComb, Joni Goetting, Mark Hanson, Charles Christensen, Robert Christensen, Lyle Pater and Tony Christensen
    Interment: Pleasant View Cemetery, Little Rock, Iowa
    The Pater family wishes to invite you to the church after the committal service for lunch and fellowship.
    Arrangements: by Bolin Funeral Chapel, Little Rock, Iowa

    Charles Pater werd geboren 30 januari 1909 te Ede, Nederland. Hij was de zoon van Gerrit en Gertrude (Vlastuin) Pater. Hij kwam naar de Verenigde Staten met zijn gezin in de leeftijd van een jaar.
    Hij trouwde Dena Boekhout 31 december 1930 in Rock Rapids, Iowa. Ze boerden in Little Rock, Iowa en Waltham, Minnesota gebied. In 1940 vestigden zij zich in Worthington, Minnesota waar hij werkte bij Bootes en vervolgens voor Hess Motor Express. Later ruilde hij dit naar Murphy Freight Lines tot zijn pensioen in 1966. Hij was 50 jaar lid van de Teamster Unie.
    Charles en Dena verhuisde naar Little Rock in 1971. Hij was lid van de Eerste Presbyterian Kerk in Little Rock. Zijn hobby's waren vissen, kamperen en repareren van grasmaaiers.
    Hij stierf zaterdag 1 maart, 1997 in het George Good Samaritan Center op de leeftijd van 88 jaar, een maand en twee dagen.
    Hij laat achter om zijn herinneringen te koesteren, zijn vrouw Dena van Little Rock, Iowa en drie kinderen: John en zijn vrouw Karla Pater van Slayton, Minnesota; Darlene en haar echtgenoot Ray Christensen van Elysian, Minnesota, en Charlotte en echtgenoot John Hanson van Pine Island, Minnesota. Ook liet hij achter die zijn herinneringen koesteren, zijn zeven kleinkinderen, zeven achterkleinkinderen en vijf broers, Herman en zijn vrouw Loretta Pater van Waltham, Minnesota, Henry en vrouw Margaret Pater van Rochester, Minnesota, Albert en zijn vrouw Violet Pater van Waltham, Minnesota, Marvin en vrouw Katy Pater van Lansing, Minnesota, en Lawrence en zijn vrouw Doris Pater van Deerwood, Minnesota, en twee zussen: Ann Kunze van Austin, Minnesota, en Frances Thiesse van Madison, South Dakota. Hem gingen reeds voor: zijn ouders; een broer Gerhardt; en drie zusters, Gertie, Hattie en Jennie.

    De Dienst
    Dinsdag de 4 maart 1997 om 2:00 pm First Presbyterian Church Little Rock, Iowa zal de familie aanbidding voorafgaan.
    Dienstdoende Pastor: Scott Prouty,
    Organist: Kay Siebsen,
    Zangers: Mannen Kwartet.
    Liederen: "How Great Thou Art", "One Day At A Time"
    Congregatie liederen: "Softly and Tenderly" "God be with you"
    Kistdragers: Nichole McComb, Joni Goetting, Mark Hanson, Charles Christensen, Robert Christensen, Lyle Pater en Tony Christensen.
    Bijzetting: in de Pleasant View Cemetery, Little Rock, Iowa
    De familie Pater wenst u uit te nodigen naar de kerk na de dienst voor de lunch en broederschap.
    Organisatie: door Bolin Begraafkapel, Little Rock, Iowa

    Record taken from the Social Security Death Index for Charles Pater.

    Kors Pieter Dena Boekhout 31 dec 1930 (Civil)Rock Rapid IA USA. Pieter (dochter van Sietse Boekhout en Cornelia Visker) 10 jul 1912 Rushmore MN USA; 21 mrt 2011Little Rock, MN USA; 24 mrt 2011Little Rock, MN, USA. [Gezinsblad] []

  2. 13.  Pieter Dena Boekhout 10 jul 1912 Rushmore MN USA (dochter van Sietse Boekhout en Cornelia Visker); 21 mrt 2011Little Rock, MN USA; 24 mrt 2011Little Rock, MN, USA.


    • Verblijfplaats: 2008; Adres:
      700 9th Avenue North
      Sibley, Iowa 51249


    Woonde in 1991 in Little Rock

    1. Charlotte Denah Pater 24 jul 1931 Little Rock, Iowa, USA; 31 okt 2003Avoca IA USA.
    2. Darlene Joyce Pater 02 mei 1935 Waltham MN USA; 08 nov 1999Little Rock.
    3. 6. John Charles Pater 13 apr 1944 Worthington, MN. USA; 22 sep 2019Omaha, NE; 28 sep 2021Worthington.

  3. 14.  Henry Valentine Bruner 14 feb 1906 Sutherland, Iowa, USA (zoon van Edwin Pearl Bruner en Ida Mae Struthers).

    Henry Grace Arnetta Deuth 31 dec 1929 (Civil). Grace 06 feb 1907. [Gezinsblad] []

  4. 15.  Grace Arnetta Deuth 06 feb 1907.
    1. 7. Karla Gail Bruner 08 mei 1945 Rochester MN USA; 28 feb 2016Worthington, MN, USA; 05 mrt 2016Worthington, MN, USA.